Top Health Fitness Tips

Lower Blood Pressure Naturally: The Best Tips for Everyday Life

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Top Health Fitness Tips

Lowering blood pressure naturally is not magic. It works, and everyone should know how to influence blood pressure positively. Because blood pressure is too high, the risk of heart attack, cardiovascular disease, and stroke also increases.

More and more people suffer from high blood pressure. Rendering to the World Health Organization (WHO), one in three adults worldwide is affected. But hypertension, as high blood pressure is called in medicine, can be treated and even avoided.

It is also possible to lower blood pressure naturally. These natural antihypertensive drugs are recommended by doctors as a first step as soon as high blood pressure is detected. This means that various lifestyle factors are changing, most notably eating habits. There are also other tips for everyday life that can be implemented well.

If these initial changes in diet and lifestyle are not sufficient, it may be that the treating doctor then has to prescribe medication, often so-called beta-blockers, to treat high blood pressure.

The following tips for everyday life are recommended, which everyone should take to heart preventively, i.e., as a precaution, to reduce their own risk of high blood pressure.

Top Tips to Lower Blood Pressures Naturally:

Various factors often lead to high blood pressure, rarely is there just one cause. Therefore, it is more important to be aware of many aspects of your lifestyle to avoid high blood pressure.

 Tips to Lower Blood Pressures:

  • pay attention to a low-salt and balanced diet
  • drink as little alcohol as possible
  • keep moving and exercise habitually
  • maintain a healthy body weight
  • keep your hands off cigarettes and co.
  • reduce stress

In adults, a blood pressure of 120/80 mmHg (“120 over 80”) is consider normal – in both women and men. Keep a blood pressure diary and write down your values. Alternatively, modern measuring devices for the upper arm can be connected to the smartphone via an app and track your deals.

Lower Blood Pressures Naturally Tip 1: Low-salt and Balanced Diet

Eating habits have a substantial effect on the body. To reduce the risk of high blood pressure, make sure you eat as little salt as possible and otherwise eat a balanced diet. This includes eating lots of fresh fruit and vegetables and little processed food. Eat whole grains, skim milk products, and hold back on red meat, snacks, and sweets. When seasoning, you should use as little salt as possible and instead use a variety of spices, such as pepper, herbs, paprika powder, chili, and Co.

To avoid high blood pressures, hidden salt in products such as cheese, sausage, or ready meals is particularly insidious. Are you one of those people who season every meal with salt? It would help if you urgently reconsidered this behavior. You may find it difficult for the first week or two, but soon you will have trouble remembering this bad habit. Suppose you save a teaspoon of salt a day. In that case, you can lower systolic blood pressure by around five mmHg and diastolic blood pressure by about three mmHg, according to the recommendation of the German Heart Foundation.

Tip 2: Avoid Alcohol

Alcohol stimulates the vegetative nervous system, which means that the heart is activate, and the heart rate increases, driving up blood pressure. Ideally, it would be best to drink as little alcohol as possible. If you don’t want to do without beer and wine, you should know the limits. According to the recommendation, men should not consume more than 20 grams of alcohol per day and women no more than 10 grams. This corresponds to 500 ml of beer per day for men and a maximum of 250 ml of beer for women.

Tip 3: Stay Active

Movement protects the heart! Move at least 30 minutes a day. Of course, more is better here, so try to get 20 to 60 minutes of exercise three times a week. Endurance sports are ideal, but even going for walks makes perfect sense.

Tip 4: Maintain a Healthy Body Weight

Weight and waist circumference are also important in connecting with high blood pressure. You can achieve a healthy weight through a balanced diet and sufficient exercise. It is recommend to use the waist-to-height ratio as a guide for healthy, i.e., waist circumference in centimeters divide by height in centimeters, which is more meaningful than calculating the BMI.  This corresponds to a maximum waist circumference of 88 cm for women and a maximum of 102 cm for men. A value below 0.5 is desirable here.

Tip 5: Stop Smoking

The vice of smoking weighs heavily. The health risks should also have been known for a long time: heart attack, cancer, infertility, etc. However, there are still many who are still fond of cigarettes. The negative impact on blood pressure is add to all other damage. Even a week without cigarettes can positively affect blood pressure values. There’s no doubt – it’s always worth stopping!

Tip 6: Reduce your Stressful Moments

Whether it’s stress at work or in your private life, keep stressful moments minimum. Unfortunately, for many, stress is still seen as an everyday nuisance that you have to deal with. But this is not true. A lot is now known about the actual health consequences of stress, but many people still don’t realize how harmful stress is to the body. Stress and mental stress significantly impact the cardiovascular system, which is reflect in blood pressure, among other things.

Tip 7: Take Preventive Medical Check-ups

Another factor increases the likelihood of high blood pressure, but unfortunately, nothing can be done about it: genetics.

But what you can do: Keep an eye on your body and measure your blood pressure regularly. Follow the recommended tips to lower your blood pressure naturally and take the opportunity to visit your doctor for check-ups.

Who is Affected by high Blood Pressures?

High blood pressure fluctuates considerably every day, depending on the movement. According to WHO guidelines, blood pressure is consider elevate from a value of 140/90 mmHg. “High blood pressure increases the risk of heart attack, stroke, and kidney failure. If left untreated, it can lead to blindness, cardiac arrhythmias, and heart failure,” says the European information portal of the WHO.

According to the organization, one in three adults suffers from hypertension, with the trend increasing with age. Every second person in the 50 to 59 age group is affecte. However, more and more younger people suffer from high blood pressures. The WHO records that one in ten people in the 20 to 39 age group suffers from high blood pressures.

According to internists online, however, the number of patients in childhood is constantly increasing, and the main reasons for this are obesity and lack of exercise.

Companion Online Therapy for Patients with Chronic Diseases

More can be done to combat high blood pressures, such as accompanying online therapy.

A colleague of the feminine team took part in the accompanying online program for people with chronic complaints from Kianava at the age of 31 due to her chronic high blood pressures and was able to test it. Especially as a young, slim woman, she needs to call on everyone to measure their blood pressures regularly. Otherwise, the disease may be notice too late.

Kianava therapy is beneficial for her, and she also rates the communication with the doctors and other patients as very positive. This made her aware of specific moments in everyday life in which she could behave better to keep her blood pressures low. She has also learned strategies that she can use to take a break from stressful everyday moments. Special relaxation exercises that she does before going to bed also help her fall asleep and stay asleep.

However, it would be desirable for such helpful offers to be support by the health insurance companies because changes often only become apparent over the long term and not within a few weeks. This is probably the case for many patients with chronic diseases. Unfortunately, the financial burden for those affect is very high in the long run.