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Honey Bee – Benefits for the Skin and How to Implement them

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Honey Bee  contains Nutra etic qualities nutritional and healing properties, working wonders when they act on the skin.

Within the framework of World Bee Day, we tell you more about the benefits that honey can offer our skin.

In an interview with Carlos Guevara Méndez, President of the Tlaxcalteca Council of Beekeeping and Constituent Associate of the Mexican Association of Apitherapists and Frida Cortés, Spokeswoman for Abeja Reina, we discovered more about the benefits of this 100% natural ingredient that we can use in our style of a lifetime.

What Benefits does Bee Honey have On the Skin?

What Benefits Does Bee Honey Have On the Skin

Cortés points out that honey is moisturizing, revitalizing, softening, antioxidant and nourishing. It is ideal for all skin kinds, as it works perfectly for deep cleansing and eliminating toxins.

What are the Properties that Honey Contains?

Increases the body’s resistance to infections, becoming a healing and regenerating tissue cells injured by various burns, wounds and ulcers. Honey has antibiotic properties, being an excellent antiseptic for skin lesions. Other properties on the skin are antipruritic and anti-inflammatory against insect bites, Guevara points out.

What are they Use for?

Guevara shares that honey has been a great ally in cosmetology since ancient times, mainly in beauty creams and masks, lotions, and post-bath ointments. Honey is used in acts and massage, nourishing epithelial tissues and stimulating superficial circulation at the capillary level.

 Why It Is So Important to Take Care of Them

“Any good mask must contain honey.”

Depending on the purpose and the skin condition you have, various types of masks are made.

  • Honey with lemon to lighten the skin.
  • Honey with propolis for acne problems helps unclog the sebaceous glands.
  •  With almond oil to soften and against wrinkles.
  •  With pollen and propolis against skin blemishes caused by frequent exposure to the sun.
  • It glycerin and lemon juice against skin irritation due to sunstroke.

Honey for Hair

Cortés points out that being a natural food, full of properties and benefits, it has immense versatility, allowing it to remain complemented with other natural ingredients. For example, for dry skin/hair, it is suggested to mix honey with avocado, as it is rich in good fats and vitamins allows deep hydration.

Another recommendation is to mix it with oatmeal powder to create a deep cleansing scrub. As a result, you will have smooth skin.

There is a wide variety of skin products.

  • It based on honey, pollen and propolis.
  • It Soap: based on honey, wax and propolis.
  • Bee cream (day) with honey and sunscreen.
  • Bee Cream (at night), with honey, vitamin E and royal jelly.

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