Top Health Fitness Tips

How to do a Good Body Drying?

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This method used by some professionals allows for achieving a more athletic and toned figure. In this article, we tell you all about this particular method of good-body-drying.

Drying: Some Basic Concepts

More Muscles, Less Fat

Surely you have heard of someone who says, “I’m going to start a body dry.” But what is this really for? First, drying out is about losing fat mass without losing muscle mass. The muscles are drawn more, and the silhouette is refined.  Performance-wise, drying can help you improve your speed and explosiveness. Ideal just before summer.

Adjust Training to Perform a Body Dry

It is essential to alternate cardio and weight training during training to get results as quickly as possible. For cardio, favor running, cycling, or swimming. It is essential to make continuous efforts (our experts suggest doing a minimum duration of 30 minutes). As for bodybuilding, it is recommended to perform exercises with moderate loads, with an intensity ranging from 70 to 85%, with a series of 8 to 12 repetitions maximum. Do not hesitate to ask your trainer for a specialized program for this.

Without a Good Diet, no Drying

Every program must be associated with a balanced diet.  So if you’re used to indulging in after-meal treats, you’ll need to consider rebalancing your diet. A good part of doing the drying rests on the plate.

Does a Blow Dry Require a Particular Regimen?

First of all, let’s insist on the importance of the day’s three meals. Without that, it won’t be easy to have a good metabolism and get results. To make a drying, the idea is to reduce the caloric intake. Therefore, we will have to establish strict nutrition rules for macronutrients: proteins, fats, and carbohydrates. Protein is essential for the proper functioning of muscles.

They are mainly found in vegetables, white meats, or “lean”: chicken, turkey, and rabbit. But also in fish such as salmon or cod. Fat will be needed to provide energy to the body. Lipids are also called “fats,” but beware, choosing good fats such as avocado or nuts: walnuts, hazelnuts, or almonds. To cook food, use olive oil, avocado, or coconut. Carbohydrates (in limited amounts) will promote muscle mass gain and recovery after a workout for a dry-down. These are found in fruits and starches like whole grains or rice.

Control and Calculate the Feeding

At the end of the article, you will find an example of a program for drying. And yes, drying is also the opportunity to work on mathematics. It is better to calculate the calories that you are going to consume. All this will depend on your weight.  Processed foods, fried foods, cakes, cookies, sweets, and cheeses are prohibited. Regarding drinks, the consumption of alcoholic and sugary beverages is not permitted. Water will be our best friend; you can consume between 2 to 3 liters per day.

Example of a Program to Make a Good Drying

It is not by suddenly changing your daily life that you will be able to get the results. On the conflicting, you will run the risk of injuring yourself. Sessions should not be miss. Sleep is also essential. If you feel tired during workouts, increase your recovery time between sets and sessions. Finally, do not rush; you have to be patient during this period and, above all, listen to your body. You will be able to see the primary results one month after the beginning of your drying.

Nutritional Program for a Drying

  • Proteins: you need between 1.5g to 2g of this contribution per kilo per day. A person who weighs 70 kilos will need between 105 to 140g of protein per day; this must be well distributed between meals. If you have not reached your sufficient protein level, you can also supplement your meals with a food supplement such as protein powder.
  • Lipids: Between 0.5 to 1g per day and kilo. Result: between 35 to 70g for a person weighing 70 kilos.
  • Carbohydrates: Count between 2 to 4g per kilo and day. The amount will gradually decrease. A day, the contribution of carbohydrates will vary between 140 to 280g for a person weighing 70 kilos.

Here we leave you a primary menu to start body drying. Three meals and two snacks!


  • A bowl of granola or oatmeal with whipped fresh cheese
  • 1 or 2 fried eggs
  • One fruit or a fruit juice

Snack on the day:

  • 15 to 30g of almonds
  • One slice of whole wheat bread or a rice cracker


  • 200g steamed salmon
  • 200g vegetables: green beans
  • 100g of rice
  • One dessert fruit: a banana

Afternoon snack:

  • Two slices of whole wheat bread
  • 10 to 20g of walnuts


  • 200g of chicken
  • 200g of salad
  • 100g of lentils

A good diet will be the key to your success; eating healthy food and reducing your caloric intake is essential. We let you calculate the number of calories per day and make your menu based on your weight.

Training Program for Body Drying

We give you some tips and exercises proposed by our coach Loïc for body drying. Maximum 6 series for each activity.

Three workouts a week, but nothing prevents you from reaching up to 5 sessions.

Workout n°1: Shoulders and pecs

  • 20 to 30 minutes on a stationary bike
  • Flat Bench Press (x6)
  • Incline Bench Press (x4)
  • Dumbbell Press (x4)
  • Barbell Military Press (x4)
  • Lateral Raises (x4)
  • Rear raises (x4)

Workout n°2: Back and legs

  • Run-on the treadmill for 20 to 30 minutes
  • Front pulldowns (x4)
  • Barbell Row (x3)
  • Deadlift (x4)
  • Leg press (x6)
  • Sumo squat (x4)
  • Quadriceps extension (x4)

Coach Tip: “If you’re comfortable doing pull-ups, feel free to do two sets of 10 reps.”

Workout n°3: Biceps and triceps

  • Row for 15 minutes
  • Barbell Bicep Curls (x4)
  • Dumbbell Hammer Curls (x4)
  • Incline Bench Dumbbell Curl (x4)
  • push-ups (x4)
  • Dumbbell Triceps Kickback (x5)
  • Dumbbell Vertical Extensions (x4)

Last Tips to do a Body Drying

The latest advice from our coach: do your training listening to your body. If you feel a slight energy deficit during the session, increase the recovery time between exercises. Try to maintain the number of sessions but reduce the intensity slightly to maintain the benefits of your drying in the long term. Your goal is weight loss, not weight loss! As you can imagine, you can return to a more flexible diet (with some authorized variations) after your dry-off so as not to alter your body.