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Top Health Fitness Tips

Boost Your Metabolism Write for Us

Boost Your Metabolism Write for UsBoost Your Metabolism Write for Us – The following workout can set you up for a faster metabolism.

Your metabolism contains everything your body does to convert food into energy and keep you going. But, of course, some people have a quicker metabolism than others.

Some things that affect whether your metabolism is fast or slow include things you have no control over, such as your age, gender, and genes. Sometimes, a sluggish thyroid can lower your metabolism. But once you know it’s normal, it’s up to you to speed it up. So focus on what matters: exercise.

Muscle cells require a lot of energy, which means they burn a lot of calories. In fact, they burn more calories from your fat cells, even when you’re not exercising. So when you make time to exercise, you reap the benefits long after you stop sweating.

Exercise becomes more important as we get older. You certainly lose muscle mass with age, which slows your metabolism. Practice can stop those slips.

That’s easy. You need to challenge your muscles a lot in two ways:

Increase your workouts. Any aerobic exercise, whether running or doing Zumba, burns calories. Make it more vital, and your body will burn more calories.

Try separator. You can do them with any cardio. The basic idea is to switch between high and low intensities. First, you make it hard, then lower your speed and repeat.

Lifting weights. Since muscle burns more calories than fat, strengthening your muscles will make you more efficient at burning calories, even when resting.

Do one or two sets of 12 to 15 repetitions twice a week for each major muscle group (abs, biceps, gluteals, quads).

It will do more than help your metabolism. Your heart, bones, and even your mood will benefit. So it’s a win all around.

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nucleic acids
metabolic wastes.
metabolic pathways
hydrogen sulfide
basal metabolic rate
multicellular organisms
amino acids
nucleic acid

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